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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:50 am    Post subject: Welcome To CountryHomeReply with quote

CountryHome, Germany’s Premier Country Music Magazine, has gained a remarkable reputation over the last few years in Germany, Europe, and the rest of the world. CountryHome reports on the American and German country music world since 1996. Meanwhile this music reaches Germany on full scale and by the growing number of hits CountryHome able to recognize the increasing popularity. CountryHome is proud of the fact that the magazine’s content has been adapted to their reader’s, which spans the world, preferences. So readers find now at international part of CountryHome:

CD Reviews in German and English ( www.countryhome.de/recordnews/redaktion_lamitschka.htm )
Interviews in German, English and French ( www.countryhome.de/interviews )
Free Videos at the start page (www.countryhome.de)
Listing of national and international Artists Fan Clubs ( www.countryhome.de/Club/fan_clubs_nach_plz.htm )
Listing of Line Dance Clubs ( http://www.countryhome.de/Club/linedance_clubs_nach_plz.htm )
Listing of Square Dance Clubs ( www.countryhome.de/Club/squaredance_clubs_nach_plz.htm )
Listing of Western Horse Riding Clubs ( www.countryhome.de/Club/westernreit_clubs_nach_plz.htm )
Country Radio Directory ( www.countryhome.de/ch/countryradios.htm )
Country Music Magazine Directory ( www.countryhome.de/cmm )

CountryHome invite all Clubs which like a free listing at CountryHome to join them at www.countryhome.de/Club/eingabe.htm - Click on the blue headline. You will find instructions in both English and German.

CountryHome would like to invite every county radio station around the world, which like a free listing, to visit the new directory of Country Radio stations. CountryHome is proud of the fact that they have the largest and most comprehensive listing of Country, national and international, Radio Stations world wide. And they invite every country radio station to be part of it. - For those of you who don’t understand German, just click on "weiter" to go the next page. If you don’t see your Country Radio Station at CountryHome, feel free to send CountryHome a mail to info@countrymusic-magazin.de

CountryHome would like to invite every county music magazine around the world, which like a free listing, to visit the new directory of Country Music Magazines. CountryHome is proud of the fact that they have the largest and most comprehensive listing of Country, national and international, Magazines world wide. And they invite every country music magazine to be part of it. If you don’t see your Country Music Magazine at CountryHome, feel free to send CountryHome a mail to info@countrymusic-magazin.de

CountryHome would like to invite every music magazine around the world, which like a free listing, to send them a e-mail to info@countrymusic-magazin.de to be a part of the upcoming directory for co-operation partners.

You find much more at CountryHome than just the international part. Check it out! You may even learn a little German at our part for our German readers which include:

Real time reports from the national country scene
Country Short News Int.
Press information
Country Shopping

One of the largest saloon and music club listing
Story Behind a Song
American Cooking
Billboard Charts
And many more.

CountryHome care about their readers and we want to know what they think of our Country Music Magazine. We hope that their readers will take a moment to sign the guestbook at www.countryhome.de/guestbook.htm (klick on "Kommentar abschicken" to submit).
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The Brunswick Beaver
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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:12 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Stefan Keune, komm gibs zu du warst's! Twisted Evil
Forscher fanden heraus: Schule immer morgens um 7:50 und das Montags bis Freitags. Steckt da System dahinter?

Willste auch in Snoop Dog schreiben?
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Der Dude

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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:16 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Den hätte ich jetzt auch vermutet
In Germany we don't say unkonzentriert, we call it beer!
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Pink Flamingo
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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:27 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

"There are no dirty, old men anymore- today we call it: sexy, senior cityzens!" (Mr. Borges)
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The Brunswick Beaver
Ich hab zuviel Zeit und spam das Forum

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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:27 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Naja er hatte (oder hat noch) so einen Hang zur Country-Musik, und naja also ich mein das war jetzt vielleicht sein unterbewusst gesteuertes Coming-Out. Aufgrund der Tatsache dass das Internet eine ideale Plattform für unbefriedigte, unausgelebte Persönlichkeitsmerkmale ist, hat er wohlmöglich (also hypothetisch) die psychologisch brisante Qualität endlich genutzt.
Forscher fanden heraus: Schule immer morgens um 7:50 und das Montags bis Freitags. Steckt da System dahinter?

Willste auch in Snoop Dog schreiben?
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Joined: 17 Jun 2005
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Location: Konstanz

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:28 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Das hast du schön gesagt Werner! Razz
Lobet ihn mit Pauken (Schlagzeug) und Reigen (Sticks) , lobet ihn mit Saiten (e-Gitarre & Bass) und Pfeifen (Sax)!

Psalm 150,4
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The Brunswick Beaver
Ich hab zuviel Zeit und spam das Forum

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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:45 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Yes, äh, Björn
Forscher fanden heraus: Schule immer morgens um 7:50 und das Montags bis Freitags. Steckt da System dahinter?

Willste auch in Snoop Dog schreiben?
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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:43 pm    Post subject: Check out:Reply with quote

http://www.steelguitar.net and you who I'm!

Greetings from Hendersonville/TN.
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Ich hab zuviel Zeit und spam das Forum

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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:13 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Hey Bobbe,
I am a country musician myself. I got a country band named "The Pelicans". We are pretty good, but not too many peolple want to listen to us. My biggest country idol is Björn. You can see his pig under roberto's name.
perhaps when you're hanging around in germany the next time, we could play a country gig together.
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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:25 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

See y'll in New York for CMA Awards
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Justin Sane
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Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:28 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Jaja natürlich weil N.Y. ja auch umme Ecke is, ne?
There's nothing left to lose, if nothing's there!
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The Brunswick Beaver
Ich hab zuviel Zeit und spam das Forum

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Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:53 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Hey Bobbe,
here in Überlingen rules "Punkrock" so I think you're at the wrong place for your Countrymusic.
I think countrymusic is a shit from hell.
Best regards,
your Werner Fierz.
Forscher fanden heraus: Schule immer morgens um 7:50 und das Montags bis Freitags. Steckt da System dahinter?

Willste auch in Snoop Dog schreiben?
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Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:34 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Motha Fucker what the hell you want? You're suck! With a fucking photo of a arba asshole. Lick your dick. Very Happy
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The Brunswick Beaver
Ich hab zuviel Zeit und spam das Forum

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Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:26 am    Post subject:Reply with quote

Hey CountryBobbe, you suck.
I don't trust people who are looking like old pornstars of the southern States. So come on leave this internet-site with your man (instead of an horse) behind you and return to play on a silly instrument calling "steel-guitar" somewhere in your fuckin' conservative country.

Forscher fanden heraus: Schule immer morgens um 7:50 und das Montags bis Freitags. Steckt da System dahinter?

Willste auch in Snoop Dog schreiben?
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Ich hab zuviel Zeit und spam das Forum

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Location: Beruf

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:17 pm    Post subject:Reply with quote

Roberto wrote:
Das hast du schön gesagt Werner! Razz

Boah Philipp, merkst du nicht, dass du hier nervst?
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